Psoriasis is a photo, symptoms, treatment

This disease is expressed in the appearance in the skin of red spots, which always bother you, area rash itching, which prevents the full enjoyment of life. The possible complications of the appearance of cuidam arthritico of pain in the joints.


The quality of life of people who have similar problems to the poor. And although, in general, the condition is often not much worse, the usual mode of life changes. This is a serious unaesthetic a disease of the skin brings the mass of disadvantages, for example, the inability to use, revealing clothing, or visit the sauna or on the beaches.

In some cases, the psoriasis is a cause of suffering, comparable with those of serious diseases, including heart failure, forms of hypertension or postinfarction state. The danger is the strengthening of itching, as in conpositis demere he kidnaps places appear difficult to heal the wound.

The complexity of this disease is that it is almost incurable. Everything that is offered in the pharmaceutical industry today, gives you a temporary results. Measures such as psychotherapy, complex of vitamin e from the diet, leaving only a little to improve the state.

The symptoms of psoriasis

  • The appearance of plates of silver;
  • The scaling of the defeat places;
  • Bleeding from the areas where the skin.

This classic signs of the disease, which may be different depending on which variant of the disease. There are several views of the psoriasis, which are differentiated by the intensity of the break-up of a combination of symptoms.

The symptoms of the</2_img>

The irritation and the redness can form anywhere in the body of the person, but in the majority of areas of defeat are the elbows, hands, back, knees, and feet. Additional symptoms of psoriasis may be:

  • Detachment of the nail surface;
  • The appearance of dimples in the nails;
  • The discoloration of the nail, the appearance of a yellowish shade;
  • The pain in the joints;
  • The increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • The swelling.

The stage of development

Course of the disease, dermatologists, conventionally divided into several stages. This is important, since the disease often has a chronic character. The professionals have the opportunity to observe the course of the disease and to determine the accuracy of the method of treatment.

  1. The initial phase is characterized by the worsening of the following, which is expressed in the appearance and the increase of eruptions. Psoriasis is the initial phase can be seen in the photo. The primary witness of the progress of the disease is the appearance of peeling red plates with a free scales bezel. And the redness spreads quickly, the scales do not reach to cover the entire surface of the inflammation.
  2. The progressive stage. In this period, still appear new eruptions, ibi papules grow. Initially items are introduced to actively peel. There is a positive isomorphic reaction, when the field of the lesions of the skin form new papules.
  3. It sets the stage. At this time, the rash becomes less, longer appear new plates available papules do not grow. All the places of defeat covered scales, tires of redness around the platelets are missing.
  4. Regression is the most important stage of treatment of psoriasis, it is shown that the aggravation of the disease behind made treatment is effective and gave a positive result. The main task of this phase is to avoid the recurrence of the exacerbation. In the regressus the stage plates are almost imperceptible, desquamation stops in the land of the defeats are formed of white or brown stain.

The division of the disease in the phase depends on the activity of a current inflammatory process. In the base is put on the clinical manifestations of the disease, more red and more bumps, no more active which will the process. Manifestation of the activity of psoriasis are visible in the photo.

Causes of psoriasis

Many of those interested in the issue, the psoriasis is contagious or not? For a start, it is worthwhile understanding the causes of the emergence of psoriasis. It is not spread from contact, through the general towels, hygiene items, or a handshake. Often the disease occurs in young people 18 to 25 years.

The main factors that contribute to the development of the disease, are:
  • The genetic predisposition. The disease can develop in first-degree relatives;
  • A frequent cause of stress, voltage surge, a strong emotional shock;
  • Possible cause is a disease of the endocrine system;
  • The alteration of metabolism, in particular, the lack of silicon in the human body, beriberi;
  • The intestinal diseases and viruses.

It is worth noting that immune imbalance in the body, causes the appearance of the rash. It is the state when the own cells show aggression to the tissues, this is reflected in the skin. There is a direct relationship between the development of the disease and the condition of the intestine.

People who have intestinal parasitic infections, prone to skin diseases. Causative agents of enteric diseases with a long existence in the blood of the expel the toxins that cause the imbalance immune. As a result, it appears the psoriasis.

The methods of treatment of psoriasis

Many specialists believe that this disease is almost incurable. Clear outline of treatment of psoriasis does not exist, each case is considered individually. Due to that the psoriasis is a phenomenon little that has been learned, the main cause of the habit of considering the emotional overload and the immune of the infringement.

What is most surprising is that the psoriasis can disappear unexpectedly, as receive. The logical explanation of the causes of this surprise, the medicine can not provide. How to cure psoriasis?

In the first place, you have to understand that the treatment must be comprehensive. First, the patient is assigned drugs for local application. If there is no output, then connects the pharmacological treatment.

Necessarily, in the complex includes:
  1. The compliance of the daily routine.
  2. Special hypoallergenic diet.
  3. The mental attitude, the release of emotional and physical.

Medications medications to relieve inflammation are high, problems with the joints, in its composition there is a substance – ibuprofen, which relieves pain. When more serious violations are suitable puncture articulate.

Certain forms of psoriasis treated paraffin lamps, the irradiation. To relieve the inflammation in an advanced state of the disease also apply ointments, with the presence of the infection are assigned to medications that contain antibiotics.


Good results show the treatment with laser, phototherapy, cryotherapy. Psoriasis in the head is treated with the application of humilis-interest-sulfur-salicylic of the compositions. After the transition of the disease in a phase applies the ointment of psoriasis with keratolytic effect .

Diet for psoriasis

The treatment of the psoriasis are always performed individually, but in any case, it must establish an adequate diet and clean the body of toxins that cause the development of the disease. Competent diet and detoxification of the body is the key to the success of the treatment.

When the preparation of the dietary food should be special attention to the products which contain sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. For the effective treatment in the body must make the following substances:

  1. Medicines that contain silicon. This mineral is sorbentom, which shows all of the antigenic complex of the body through the intestine. On the other hand, participates in the improvement of the structure of the skin, which is important in this disease.
  2. Vitamin D and calcium. The fact that calcium is absorbed only with the vitamin D. the Complex is involved in the stabilization of the membranes of the cells. The drugs are administered in a period of stabilization or remission.
  3. The oil of fish. Inflammatory processes are always accompanied by the death of the cells. For recovery and maintenance of the immune system, antioxidants are needed. To restore balance, it is recommended that the intake of omega-3 acid, which is found in the cod liver oil fat. It is a powerful aktioksidant, which helps you to deal with psoriasis.
  4. The lecithin. The epithelial cells in the psoriasis to actively die, for the update of the epidermis is required material of construction — phospholipids, the source of which it is acting lecithin. It allows you to quickly cutting the inflammation and restore the epidermis.

Universal of the diet, which is displayed in psoriasis, it does not exist. The diet should talk with the doctor. But there are some general recommendations for the drafting of the letter. Special attention should be given to foods that are not recommended for consumption during the period of treatment.

There is to give up the foods that cause allergies, or cause the development of the disease. It is desirable to reduce the consumption of salt, to exclude completely its unlikely. Worth removing from the diet fried, salted, canned, smoked, cuisine, foods that contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes.

The exclusion of subjects sweets, cakes, all combinations of the carbohydrates. It is strictly prohibited the consumption of alcohol!

In the diet should be present useful food and drinks. Be sure to include in the menu of fish, lean meat, cooking, preferably non-fat, bake, boil or stew. You should regularly consume fruits and berries, except citrus and strawberry. Every day to drink fermented drinks, herbal teas.

The correct feeding more quickly to handle a nuisance, such as psoriasis.

Treatment in the home

In addition to complying with the diet food in the home of the person who has the disease, you must observe the following rules:

  • The meticulous care of the skin. You need more protection, you can't avoid damage in the epidermis, because all of the abrasion and the crack can become inflamed. In this disease often occurs secondary to the inflammation that can lead to suppurations;
  • In the period of treatment must waive the application of the cosmetics, the nails is better to cut in short, when the psoriasis also suffer, become brittle, and exfoliate;
  • It is not worth being under the direct light of the sun. Sunbathing is possible, but a short period. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause deterioration and injury to the epidermis;
  • You must exclude the influence of the stressors and focus efforts on the enhancement of immunity. It is recommended to take vitamin complex, to make sport, to warm.

The prevention of the

Psoriasis is a disease that is of individual character. As have shown researches, it is not transmitted from person to person. However, you have to understand that dealing with self-treatment not can, serious illness, a bad treatment can cause various complications. It is not recommended during treatment combing the damaged areas.

Prevention activities the prevention of the disease include:
  1. The rejection of bad habits. People who smoke most at risk of onset of the disease than non-smokers. The cigarette smoke reduces the immunity and poisons the body, hinders the circulation of the blood, which causes the appearance of platelets.
  2. Reception of medicines can cause the disease, it is side effects of beta-blockers and medications that have in the composition of lithium. Before your reception, you should consult with a specialist.
  3. The maintenance of the immunity. You should avoid diseases infectious, in a timely manner to cure colds and other viruses of the disease. In certain cases, it is very advisable to take a vitamin complex.

You should try to make the care of the skin, to keep it moist, the state has a great importance. To do this, it is necessary to control the normal level of humidity in the interior, to abandon the use of air conditioners, which overdry the air. The body is moistened with the help of lotions, creams and oils after a treatment of water.

Sincerely worth choosing cosmetics, cosmetic, decorative should be of high quality. For the care of the skin it is advisable to use natural remedies. Damage in the use of chemicals for the home, tasks that should be done with gloves, as the chemical reagents can damage even healthy skin.

The water softens and cleanses the skin of the water, the water treatments – an indispensable part of the prevention and the treatment of psoriasis. In summer you can apply to pour cold water and in winter, take herbal baths. To the east of hard sponges and scrubs better than to give up.

The clothes should choose natural materials, so that not deterioratus the skin and let the air. Ideal – things cotton.

The prevention of the

The prevention of psoriasis requires special attention to the correct way of life and power, as well as personal hygiene of the skin. If you make recommendations and maintain your health, you can minimize the risk of the onset of psoriasis, reduce the severity of the disease.